Simple Tips to Increase the Youtube Viewer

Do you have a channel in Youtube? If you had a channel, of course that you want to have a lot of viewers in every video that you are uploaded especially for you who want to gain some incomes from Youtube. By becoming the Youtube partner you have to upload a new video continuously. However, there are some steps that are needed to be practiced if you want to “sell” your video and want your videos to be watched by many people. You can get more money if there were many people that love to watch your updated videos. Below are some simple tips that can be practiced, especially for the starters that owned the Youtube channel.

1. Make the SEO Friendly Video. As needed in a blog or website, the SEO (Search engine optimization) is also needed in cultivating your youtube channel. If you made a video that is easier to find by the search engine, you will have more opportunity to get the traffic. In this case, the keys are on the title and tags of your video. You have to make a title that is easy to be remembered and you have to consider the mistakes that are might be done by the people when they are searching for something.

2. Optimizing the Description Box. It means that you have to give as much as information as possible in the description part about your video. You can write everything about the people that are involved in the video, location and many more. You can also attach many relevance links on it.

3. Make the Other People Attracted and Commented. The other people will be attracted to give a comment or like your video if you were asked them explicitly. If it was possible, you can give an interesting question in the comment column. The other thing that you can do is by making the bumper in the end of every video that is uploaded.

4. Make a Very Interesting Thumbnail. Usually, you can choose one of three default thumbnails after you are finished in uploading a video. In this case, you can make a special thumbnail. You can take from the best frame of the video editing application that you are used. After that, edit it with photoshop, adjust the contrast, color saturated, etc so you can have the best image. After that, you can upload this thumbnail in the recent video that you are already uploaded.

5. Make a Playlist. Make a playlist is a good idea to choose the different videos and make them in one channel. It is a good way to attract many people because the video can be played automatically to the next video.

6. Use the Annotation. You can use and advantage the annotation to attract many people to give like to your video or simply direct the viewer to the one of your playlist. Annotation can be a good source of traffic. You can try and practice it and get the result.

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