10 Tips to Help Your Cybersecurity

Currently, technology has been developed very rapidly. This phenomenon is basically very beneficial for people. Some benefits given by technology are including making your jobs done faster, improving services’ quality and quantity in business, and more. Unfortunately, those benefits are not without risks. The threats are often coming to attack in various shapes. Below, there are some tips to improve your cybersecurity. What are they?

Strong Password Protection

There are many cases of cyber attack that are successfully hacked a system due to a weak password. Meanwhile, the network must keep many sensitive important data that must not be leaked outside. So, the first protection at least must come from the password. Make sure only use unique password anyone else may not be able to imagine it.

Employees’ Screening

Ironically, the attacks are often coming from the inside. Yes, it is people around you who hack the system in order to steal the data. How is to avoid this problem happening? The process of hiring employees must be tighter. You can conduct a screening process as well as check the background. Certain networks are also not to be accessed by all employees.

Employee’s Basic Training

Despite them who are intentionally hack your system and network, data leakage can also be due to an employee who is careless in utilizing it. To avoid such human errors, screening and background checking are done before the employees are completely accepted. It is better to conduct basic training. Establishing a habit that is focused on the computer’s security is necessary through the training program. Make them know how big the risk of careless usage of passwords, networks, programs, and more.

Safe System Application

The system must be designed and developed to limit anyone else to enter. You can remove the unnecessary access to hardware and software provided. In relation to the employees’ jobs mentioned above, certain employees must only have access to certain hardware or software only based on their job desks. To support this attempt, the implementation of intrusion detection system can be considered.

Regular Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability assessment is an action to do to help you to know, detect, identify, and learn about the weakness in a system. Of course, in this case, your system is the only thing to be assessed using this method. If you have enough time to do so, you can just do it by yourself. However, if you are too busy for this, hire a trusted IT security consultant that has been experienced in this area. Do it regularly.

Avoiding Opening Random Email

It is better not to click any unknown email. Particularly if you are indeed working in the IT area, there is a high chance that the attachment consists of virus or malware. Before opening it, you can contact the sender to confirm the message. Besides, installing extra threat detection software can be done also.

Avoiding Submitting Personal Data to Random Sites

There are 2 roles you have as an IT company owner; as an IT expert and as a human being. It means you must have at least 2 emails to support those different roles. If you want to enter random sites like for online shopping and others, you can use your email as “a human being”. Meanwhile, your professional data must be kept well. Thinking before clicking is also important so that you are not tempted to a site that requires you to submit your personal data.

Up-to-Date Software

Whether you are working at home or using a network from the office, it is recommended to install antivirus to your PC and other gadgets. Sure, the antivirus installed must be trusted and it is no matter if you indeed need to pay for it. Make sure all types of software installed are also always in an up-to-date condition. This is one of the ways to prevent virus from entering

Being Wiser in Using Cloud Computing System

Undeniably, the cloud computing system indeed gives many benefits particularly in term pressing budgets. However, cloud computing is sometimes not secure since it is placed in a distant server. Besides, the fact that it is operated by the third party is also quite risky. Therefore, sensitive and important data are better not to be stored in the cloud.

Data Backup

You must do regular data backup once a week. The data can be saved in 3 different places; onsite, offsite, and cloud with a consideration that the cloud should not be used to keep the sensitive data. This way, you can prevent data being damaged or loss for the attacks from the threats coming from outside.

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