Advertising on Billboard

The development of the digital world is influencing the marketing aspect of a business, including in the marketing communication. In the past, we can see that many brands are trying to make an advertisement on a billboard, but now this trend is changed.

What is a billboard? Billboard is an advertising board or the big size of a board I which the board is given with the sentence or pictures with the advertisement aim, announcement or even a promotion. Usually, billboard is always seen in the big cities and it is included the outdoor tool for the advertisement. As an outdoor advertising, billboard is usually placed on the public areas or in crowded places. It can be near the main road, near the station, mall and many more places.

Nowadays, the digital world is not fully changed the conventional tool like a billboard. We can see that now the rent cost for a billboard is getting more expensive, especially in the big cities. Even for the industry owner that is making a branding, this billboard advertising is started to be forgotten. Why?

A CEO of a business owner is said that the range that Billboard has to get the audience is really small and it is only for a specific area. Even nowadays, there are many media that that is cheaper and have the wider range such as making a publication on the mass media or the online media. Further, the rent cost of a billboard is usually depending on the local government rule which is usually too expensive. So, many businessmen are choosing to give their advertising budget to the other media that is more effective and cheaper.

However, there are many businessmen that have the different opinion and prefer to choose billboard as a publication media than the other media. Mostly they had the opinion that as long as a billboard advertisement is packaged with the interesting picture or sentences, it can be effective tools to advertise a business. The other advantage that they can get is the flexible schedule because it can be placed on the strategic location that has the strong relationship with the product that is advertised.

Billboard that is placed on the strategic location will be directly asked the buyer with a big size and a perfect lighting it can be attracted the people’s attention. As an outdoor media, billboard has the creative and flexible development that appropriates with the skills of the creative practitioners. The payment method of a billboard is also easy because a billboard advertiser or the businessman is just need to pay once base on some time in a contract.

So, above is the information about a strength and also weakness of billboard advertising. In some aspect, billboard is seemed not so important to be used as a publication tool, but it also can be important and everything is depended on your needs and business whether you want to use a billboard or the other media.

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