How to Reduce your Carbon Footprint – 5 Ways to Create a Sustainable Home

In January 2019 the average ocean and surface temperature was recorded at 0.88°C which is above the 20th-century average & the third highest temperature since global records began. Climate change is on the rise and that’s why more people are becoming environmentally aware.

The average household has a carbon footprint of 15 tons per year. So, how can you reduce your CO2 levels in your home? Take a look at the five ways you can make a difference by creating a sustainable home.

1. How Skylights Create Sustainability

Installing a skylight in your home is a way you can create sustainability in your home, because it provides an abundance of natural light. Skylights reduce the need for electrical lighting during daylight hours and they keep a room warm on sunny days, so it eliminates the need for HV/AC systems.

There are three types of skylights you can install into your ceiling: Fixed skylights, skylight ventilation and tubular applications. The best skylight for sustainability is the tubular application because it’s easy to install and it doesn’t require any major modifications to a ceiling.

A tubular skylight reduces absolute heat loss and gain because of its small cross-sectional construction. The tubular skylight has the ability to capture direct-beam sunlight to transmit it down a reflective light well and defuse it around a room.

Other skylights, such as the ventilating application, can open like a window. The ventilation skylight is ideal for rooms that have no windows to bring in natural airflow without the need for air-cons, which reduces CO2 levels in a home.

2. Sustain your Property’s Landscape

The easiest way to create a sustainable landscape is to create a compost pile. When you’re trimming your shrubs, rose bushes and grass keep all of it in a pile. Over time you can add eggshells, coffee grounds and vegetable scraps such as potato & carrot peels.

You should mix the compost pile often to air it out. After a while, you’ll have rich soil you can use to plant your own vegetables and to feed your flowers.

Another way you can create a sustainable garden is by planting more drought-tolerant plants. The less water needed for your garden the more sustainable it becomes because you’re reducing your water consumption.

If you live in a region with high temperatures, plant trees around doors and windows to create shade. The shade from the trees will make a cooler home environment so you don’t have to use air conditioners.  

3. Install Fluorescent Sensor Lights in Your Home

Sensor lights are typically installed in office building bathrooms and kitchens, but you can install them in your home to reduce energy consumption.

Some people forget to switch a light off when exiting a room. So, sensor lights are designed to automatically switch on and off when a person enters or exits a room. The lights will always be off when the area isn’t occupied.  

The use of fluorescent light bulbs will also reduce your household carbon footprint because they use less energy than standard lights. Manufacturing fluorescent light bulbs uses less mercury from power plants, so you’ll be supporting environmentally-friendly industries.

4. Collecting Rain Water with Tanks

Rainwater harvesting is a sustainable practice that will reduce your water consumption. Install tanks outside your home that will collect rainwater runoff from your roof. Here are a few ways you can use your harvested rainwater.


Many people may be apprehensive about bathing or showering in rainwater but it’s completely safe and clean. One advantage of rainwater is that it’s incredibly soft which means there are fewer minerals in it. Rainwater leaves your skin feeling soft because it’s gentle with a natural pH level.

Cooking, Coffee and Tea

Rainwater hasn’t been treated heavily so it’s already safe to drink. However, it’s advised that you have a water filtering system installed for harvested rainwater. The water will be fresh and clean to cook food with and to make hot pots of coffee & tea. It may even make your food and hot beverages taste better.

Watering the Garden

If you’re in a region that has water restrictions you may be worried about your garden. Harvesting rainwater is ideal for gardens, because you can water your plants whenever you need to. And the advantage is rainwater has a balanced pH level so it won’t kill your plants.

You may also find rainwater harvesting useful if you experience frequent droughts. But as mentioned before, you should plant drought-resistant trees and flowers that consume less water so you can use your harvested rainwater for more important needs in your household.

Outdoor Ponds and Water Features

Is the water in your ponds and water features running low due to the heat? You can fill them up with your harvested rain instead of using tap water. It will reduce your water bill significantly.

5. Solar or Wind Power

Solar and wind power reduces your electricity bill & it decreases your CO2 levels. By going solar you’ll reduce the demand on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gasses.

Final Thoughts

Will you be making a change in 2020? Make a difference and create a home that’s sustainable. If every household becomes sustainable we can lower the land temperature significantly. Be a part of the global movement and reduce your carbon footprint so you can help fight against climate change.

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