A robot can’t move without a motor. However, if you only think that motor in a robot is just some gear and wheels, you are wrong. The professional gear motors for robot or robotics device varies based on its function, energy source and the motion it’s produced. So, below, we have a simple guide that will help you to understand more about this amazing part of a machine.
AC Drives Motor
As its name implied, this motor is powered by AC electric current. The stable AC electric current is used to create precise and consistent output. To create different output, so it also creates different motion, a device that produces an electromagnetic field is used. However, this device has a large size. So, we can find it only on big equipment in the factory rather than a small robot for everyday life and activity.
DC Engines
It uses DC electric current. It is not as stable as AC electric current, however, the control and response are much better than the previous motor. The only problem is this motor can only produce low torque. Therefore, a gearbox is needed to adjust it to the correct torque.
This motor uses a unique closed-loop control system to produce the motion. This is one of the best motion systems you can apply on a motor for robotics devices. The system can produce the best motion with top accuracy. Moreover, the real-time error-correction feature also protects it from any mistake that can lead to the system broken down accident.
The only flaw of Servos is all components in this system are expensive. Moreover, it also needs knowledge and specific skill to adjust its function. Therefore, if someone wants to use this type of motor, they must know the knowledge or hire professional that can adjust it for them. But, the price is worth to pay. The best and smooth motion with high accuracy is difficult to find from other types of robot motor.
This motor uses the “steps” phase to create the motion. This motor creates a precise motion and positioning. It also can keep the high torque for a long time even though it loses its velocities. It also doesn’t need a closed-control system like Servos to maintain the motion. The flaw is this motor uses more energy than other motors. It keeps using it even if it is in standby mode.
Bio Motors
If you are looking at the motor for a robot that has a futuristic concept, this one is the answer. It uses the shape memory alloys. When electrical energy runs into this material, it will shrink and when the current stop flows, it will return to its initial size. This change produces motion in the system.
The only flaw of bio motors is it’s not widely applicable because it is still considered a new system. But, in the future, we can see it will replace the current professional gear motors that used on many robotic systems. Who knows, we might even be able to create more humanized motion for a robot.
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