Heart Disease and Dental Health

Every part of the body plays a part in a person’s overall health. If one part of the human body is injured, it affects other parts. If one area becomes ill, it has an effect on the entire body. Many people falsely believe that dental health has no bearing on the rest of the body. In fact, the teeth and mouth can have a direct impact on other parts of the body including the heart. There are several ways this can happen. First, the teeth and gums can become infected. Any time there is an infection in the body, it can spread to other parts of the body. The more an infection spreads, the more dangerous it is. Of course, proper treatment will stop an infection in its tracks. There have also been studies that link overall oral health with heart disease. It has taken some time and multiple studies to find the link between these things. When you do not keep up with your oral care, you are at a higher risk of developing periodontitis also called gum disease. This, in turn, creates a higher risk of heart disease. For a more in-depth look at how these two things are related and how to prevent them, you will find all of this information and more here.

Here is a basic breakdown of how periodontitis can lead to heart disease. When you do not take care of your teeth, bacteria build up in the mouth, around and in between teeth and all around the gums. This can lead to a bacterial infection. This infection can enter the bloodstream. This infection can then have an adverse effect on the heart valves. This can then cause a number of potential problems. Another aspect to consider is the apparent correlation between tooth loss patterns and coronary artery disease. Some people still doubt that there is any correlation between dental health and heart disease. Regardless, it is still vital to keep up with your oral health.

It is incredibly important to note that excellent oral health is not a guarantee that you will not have heart disease. Rather it is a way to eliminate one of the things that can increase your risk of heart disease. If you want to know more about preventing heart disease, make an appointment with your primary care physician today.

In terms of preventing gum disease and a build-up of bacteria, it is incredibly important to create a great oral care routine. One important part of this is regular visits to your dentist. It is of the utmost importance that you keep your annual dental appointments. The recommended schedule is to have a check-up once every six months. Depending on your exact situation, it may be necessary to have more frequent appointments. If you do not currently have a regular dentist, it is vital to find one as soon as possible. Always look for the best dentist to meet your needs. Your needs will vary from those of others. This means that the best dentist for one person may not necessarily be the best dentist for you. Regardless, you can begin your search by perusing the internet for the dentist that is listed as being the best in your area. For example, if you live in Carrollton Tx, you will want to look for the best dentist Carrollton Tx. While it is important to find a dentist quickly, it is also incredibly important to find the best choice. Because of this, you should not rush your search. Take your time and find your best match. Then, you will be able to set up recurring appointments, have your teeth professionally cleaned, and ensure that you do not already have a problem such as periodontitis.

Beyond regular dental appointments, you need to care for your teeth every single day. There are several things you should be doing, including brushing, flossing, using a mouth rinse, and choosing what you eat carefully. In terms of brushing, the American Dental Association recommends using the 2 by 2 rule. This refers to brushing your teeth for two minutes twice per day. Everyone’s schedule and life are a bit different so brushing can happen at any part of the day. The most common option is once first thing in the morning and once before going to bed. Many people find this to be the easiest way to get two brushings in each day, but it is not a hard and fast rule. You should set a schedule that fits your life. Some people find it difficult to brush their teeth for two minutes at a time. If you are having difficulty with this, try easing into it. Start out small and work your way up to the full two minutes. Also, you should be changing your toothbrush every three months.

While brushing is incredibly important, it is not the only thing that you need to be doing. It is also important to floss daily and regularly use a mouth rinse. When it comes to flossing, you should do it at least once per day. Some people need to floss more often, others can get by with just once per day. Others choose to floss after each meal. There is no right or wrong choice, only what is right for you and your situation. Talk with your dentist to determine exactly how often you should be flossing. When it comes to a mouth rinse, there are two primary considerations. The first is its antiseptic properties. This is determined by the alcohol level in the mouth rinse. The second thing is whether or not it contains fluoride. Most dentists recommend using a mouth rinse with fluoride, but not everyone prefers to do this. If you have any questions about what type of mouth rinse you should be using or how often you should use, talk with your dentist. Never hesitate to ask your dentist questions like this. They want you to have a healthy mouth and part of doing that is making sure you have all of the information you need.

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