Different Types of Translation Services


Translation industry is rapidly growing, and translators have to adjust to the new trends in the industry. There are different translation techniques, strategies and approaches when translating the text. The translations services will probably change in the future, due to the technological expansion and machine-translation that is being employed more than ever.

If you need a translation by certified human translators that will produce a great translation, go to TheWordPoint.com and take a look at the high-quality services they provide. They offer to translate all types of texts, ranging from technical and employee manuals to birth, marriage and divorce certificates.

Keep on reading to find out what are some of the different types of translation services that exist nowadays:

  1. Technical translation – This type of specialized translation requires distinctive knowledge of terminology because the texts are for a specific target audience. The texts that are translated are usually from IT, mechanics, engineering or electronics sector.
  2. Medical translation – A translator needs to know the medical field very well, and having some experience is always a plus. Translation of various medical documents, that even include Latin phrases, would probably be too much for an inexperienced beginner translator.
  3. Financial translation – In financial or economic translation, a translator focuses on translating documents from banking or stock exchange sector. A translator will need to translate financial reports, financial statements or contracts.
  4. Legal translation – Involves translating legal documents such as court documents, legislation acts, legal contracts etc. The translation is done by certified translators, whose task is to translate precisely and concisely in order for the translation to be approved by governmental bodies.
  5. Literary translation – This type of translation is great for a translator with a creative mind, who likes to play with words and wants to have more freedom in artistic expression.
  6. Website translation – Translating from English or some other language to the language of the target audience. It is scientifically proved that people are more prone to buy products if the information about the product is written in their native language.
  7. Multimedia localization – Appropriating the translation for the market, by focusing on the target audience’s cultural preferences and needs and trying to meet them by adhering to certain cultural rules and norms.

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