3 Tips To Help You Prepare To Paint A Room In Your Home

While most people feel like they can handle painting a room in their home all on their own, many find that, although they might have had good intentions upon starting this project, their passion and attention to detail quickly falters once they realize just what it takes to ensure a room in properly painted. But if you’re wanting to redecorate a space or prepare your home to be put on the market, adding a fresh coat of paint is one of the best ways to freshen up a space. So to help you do so successfully, here are three tips to help you prepare to paint a room in your home.

Get The Room Ready

Before you even think about opening that can of paint, you first need to prepare the room for your project. According to DIY Network, you should remove all the furniture from the space before you start painting. Additionally, you should cover anything that you can’t move but don’t want to accidentally get paint on, like the flooring. Once everything’s out of the room, make sure you thoroughly dust the entire space to ensure that the paint will go on easily and look as professional as possible. And before you actually apply any paint, open up any windows to help air out the room and keep yourself from breathing in the chemicals that make up paint.

Ensure Your Walls Are As Smooth As Possible

After you’ve got the room ready for your project, the next thing you’ll want to work on is prepping the walls for the paint to be applied. According to Home Depot, you should try to make the walls as smooth as possible before painting. To do this, fill in any holes that might be present with spackle and a putty knife. Once these repairs are made and the spackle has been allowed to dry, take some very fine sandpaper and a wet cloth to any rough or uneven parts of the wall. This will allow you to make sure that everything’s flush and your paint will apply smoothly and evenly.

Keep Paint Only Where You Want It

One of the hardest parts about painting a room is doing the trim. Many people choose to use painter’s tape to help ensure that they’re able to only put the paint where they want it on the wall. However, a sloppy job with the tape could result in a sloppy job with your painting as well. So to avoid this, Harry Sawyers, a contributor to This Old House, suggests that you just use an angled brush and that you take your time on these areas. Additionally, bring a wet cloth with you so you can wipe off any paint that goes astray before it dries.

If you’re planning to paint a room in your home soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do so without any issues.

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