The Important Ways a Livestream Differs From an Educational Post

The internet has brought about a variety of ways for people to disseminate information. Two of the most popular ways of disseminating information are livestreams and educational blog posts. These two things may seem very similar, but in actuality, a livestream offers many options that an educational blog post doesn’t. If you’re confused about the differences between the two, here are a few of the benefits a livestream may offer you.

1. Goes More In-Depth

In a one-hour livestream, an individual will probably give a lot more information than in a blog post that clocks in at a few thousand words. Going more in-depth with this information is a hugely useful part of what makes livestreams so unique. A person has many more options for giving you information, which you might not be able to get through a single blog post or even multiple blog posts.

2. Allows You to Interact With Other Watchers

With an educational post, the only way you’ll be able to interact with other people is if the post allows comments and other people have found their question important enough to leave a comment. However, livestreams prioritize interaction with other people taking in the content. When you’re commenting on a livestream in real time, it’s much easier to interact with other people.

3. Prioritizes Natural Conversation

Natural conversation offers a huge boost to the learning process. When you’re able to maximize natural conversation, you’re more likely to ingest the information you receive. An educational post will never be able to really hit that natural conversation level; it’s always going to work more like a lecture. On the other hand, a livestream is more likely to read like a conversation rather than a lecture.

4. Gives Experts and Everyday Users the Same Space

It can be difficult to connect with an expert when you’re not an expert yourself. Historically, the only way to really do that was to attend a college that hired that expert to teach. However, today, it’s easier than ever to access an expert directly; sometimes, all you have to do is send a single tweet. A livestream does the same thing by offering normal people the opportunity to learn from an expert in real time.

5. Offers a Human Connection

Educational posts are written by humans, but that’s not always how it feels. Many educational posts instead feel very formal, like they’re written for a classroom. When you attend a livestream, it’s easier to see how the person who’s teaching you is a real person, which offers the human connection you’re probably looking for. Especially if you don’t have a lot of opportunities for connection otherwise, this can be a useful opportunity.


Educational posts can be extremely useful in some situations, but livestreaming can be more useful in other situations. Ideally, you want to search out a source like OneClass, which has both blog posts and livestreams available. That way, you can choose which way you want to learn. No matter which one works best for you, the ability to choose is an important component of why internet-based learning is so popular nowadays.

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