Which CMS system is best for your online store?

Do you want to set up your online store and wonder which content management system to choose? We describe what you have within your reach, what you should pay attention to choose well and use a convenient solution.

What will CMS help you with?

If you want to create a small online store, and in addition, you like to have control over what is happening in your business, then decide to use CMS. Many web development agencies will advise you on such a solution because CMS systems are simple and intuitive to use, and their operation does not cause major problems. The cms system is nothing more than a system that will allow you to independently manage content and structures on the online store website. So you can add products, edit their descriptions, post articles, create promotions, add photos or videos. You can do all this simply and easily without even knowing a complicated coding language.

CMS OpenSource

The most popular form of CMS is the one based on OpenSource. The advantages of an OpenSource approach are that it is primarily a free option and also provides access to the source code. As a result, the entire community that uses the software has the ability to catch errors of the software. Web development agencies also point out that with an OpenSource CMS you have the option of using many free and paid plugins, thanks to which you can expand even advanced issues in your online store.

Dedicated CMS

When setting up your online store, you can use different types of CMS. Above, we described the most popular, which is free. Dedicated CMS is the most expensive option, but it’s like a tailor-made suit: the web development agency takes over the task from you and commissions it to developers. You can request all possible solutions that will be encoded in the source of the page. All you have to do is accept the final project and learn how to use the CMS.

What to look for when choosing a CMS – price

If you have a limited budget to spend, then CMS based on openSource will be a good solution. Its most basic version is free, and only the use of paid plugins will increase your costs. The most expensive option will certainly be a personalized version of the CMS dedicated to your needs.

What to look for when choosing a CMS – ease of use

Each of the above-mentioned types of CMS is quite easy to use. The SaaS version is the most intuitive and probably the easiest to learn. There are many guides and tutorials on the internet that will guide you through the entire process of learning how to use CMS – don’t worry about that.

What to look for when choosing a CMS – security

All CMS versions are relatively safe if you regularly update them and use the latest, corrected and improved versions. Additional protection at the base level is the use of an SSL certificate that protects user data.

Which CMS system to choose

You can choose from a really rich CMS base that will help you manage your online store. The most popular are:

  • WooCommerce is a powerful addition to another CMS, namely WordPress,
  • Magento – OpenSource and easy to use,
  • PrestaShop – offers a lot of free add-ons, is good for beginners,
  • Drupal – an advanced CMS system, useful for large stores

If you compare the parameters of specific CMS and compare them with your needs and capabilities, you will certainly choose the right CMS system for your online store.


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