Support Your Body’s Needs

If you are just coming out of the winter months, you are surrounded by colds, flu, stomach bugs and more. It can really knock the wind out of your sails. Not only that, but for the first time, it might really make you think about what you should have been doing to take care of your body up until this point.

Some people do naturally have better immunity than others, but everyone could do with some extra self-care for their body.

Slow It Down

One of the key things is that we don’t listen to our body when it is telling us to slow down. We try to push through and hope that the energy we need will arrive from somewhere. Whether you know it or not, your body works on the signals it gets from the sun.

Which means in the summer when the sun is up at 4am and sets late into the evening, your body will naturally want to stay awake. In the winter, when the sun rises late and goes down early, your body will release more melatonin and send you off to the land of nod. Listen to your rhythm, and adjust what is in your control to do so.


Unless you have a very varied and well-balanced diet, chances are you are going to be missing some vital vitamins and minerals. In fact, even if your diet is brilliant, the chances are you are going to need some support in that area. In order to help your body from the inside, invest in a high-quality multivitamin.

You won’t notice the effects straight away, but over time your natural stores will rise and you’ll feel better than ever. Joints also need some love, and as we age, we should be taking better care of them. Joint support can be in a number of ways, from supplements, or a physical bandage support to a lightweight rollator to help you get around.


It is no surprise that if you eat seasonal food, you are going to be getting the optimal nutrients from fruits and vegetables that you consume. When they are grown and available seasonally, they won’t have been given extra ‘help’ to grow out of season.

Typically the fruits and veggies will also have a lower carbon footprint, and seasonal produce supports specific nutritional needs of our body. Meaning, if you eat what is naturally available, you are in rhythm with the season and your body too.


If you are burning the candle at both ends. Or you notice you are spending longer and longer awake, just to be awake then you are doing your body a disservice. You need to have high-quality resting periods. Sleep helps your body to recover and recharge from the day. If you are continually skipping or limiting your sleep, the impact can be far-reaching.

Try to go to bed as soon as you feel tired. You can use an app like Calm or Headspace to bring you into a calm and relaxed start to help with getting to sleep.

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