Surveying the Variety of Bachelor Programs in Business

SThere are many reasons why you should consider pursuing a business degree. The field of business can be very appealing. With a consistently high job demand, and a variety of career paths to choose from, earning a business degree should be something to think about. We are going to spend the next few minutes taking a quick look at some of the more popular business degrees. All with the goal of helping you choose the right program that will help you reach your future career hopes and dreams. It is important to choose a school with a suite of business degrees, in order to help you obtain the proper skill sets needed for your future career. From residential to online courses; many of these programs are available in both formats.

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

This is one of the more broad business degrees. A BSA can be used as the foundation for several careers including, but not limited to, a management accountant, certified internal auditor, a fraud examiner, and so much more. The average starting salary for an accountant is around $55,000. Other positions are available with a BSA, such as a financial advisor, financial manager, or even a financial analyst.

Bachelor of Science in Finance

A BSF degree is like the swiss-army knife of business degrees. After receiving a BSF you can enter a variety of fields; such as real estate, corporate finance,investment services, and other related roles. This is one of the fastest growing career paths in business. With a projected growth rate of 14.3%, through 2022 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics), you can rest assured that a job will be waiting for you after graduation. While earning this degree, you will learn how to solve tough math problems, savvy business techniques, and how to think on your feet.

Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

Technology is everywhere, and the need for those who understand it is at a higher rate than ever before. Those who choose to earn an IT degree typically go on to work as IT managers. In this role, you can expect to handle a variety of roles. From project management, security oversight, and other technical relations. Running an IT department is more than just fixing the printer at work, it is a highly respected job that comes with an immense amount of responsibility. If you are great with technology, then maybe this is the perfect degree for you.

Choosing the Right Program

We’ve only looked at three different business programs, however, it is clear that there is such a wide range of programs and careers to choose from. For those of you considering an online program; it is important that you take advantage of many of the helpful tools available. If you decide to earn a bachelor’s in business, remember that you are entering one of the most reliable fields available. Be confident and work hard; earn the degree that is perfect for you. 

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