Five Must Haves in Your Bag

You can never underestimate the importance of woman’s handbag. First and foremost, bag have become woman’s best friend. Some are fun, but you won’t show them to your mom, others are turning into lifetime relationship.

We ladies have a habit of throwing everything into our bags, treating it more like movable wardrobe. Because of that, it gets heavier and messier every week. Especially if we don’t clean it up once in the while. Yet, be frank ain’t nobody got time for this 🙂

Actually, there are really small number of things that are necessary to carry around with us all the time. You can narrow this down to just a few essential items, that will save your life from time to time. What are those? Below you’ll find our 5 top picks to put into your bag. The choice wasn’t easy because, as we all know, bags are full of important stuff. You should be aware that purchasing the right model is a crucial factor. Depending on your lifestyle and what you used to do when going outside, you will pick one another. At Label Society, you will encounter plenty of options for every budget and preference.

  1. Phone charger or power bank

We all are dedicating way to much time to our phones. That’s no surprise, substantial part of our life is basically trapped in those. They are helping us with our daily jobs and task, reminding us about important meetings and helping with maintaining relationships. You can’t hide it – we all do love our smartphones.

Yet, all of the models that are available for best sales online has one, crucial flaw. Short battery life is one of the most stressful things, that you can expected in day to day situations. Imagine situation – you have really important appointment scheduled and you are stuck in the traffic jam. With 1% of battery. You got this? Truly horrific.

Solution is really easy – just buy yourself small power bank. This light device will ideally fit into your handbag. You can use it to charge your phone or wireless headphones in critical situation. Believe me – it’s a lifesaver.

  • 2. Hairbrush

Summer is really hard both for our complexion and hair. We are constantly walking in the sun, enjoying great weather and having a blast with our friends, but meanwhile our hairstyle is getting more and more messy. Water could also become a serious problem. Especially if you’ve taken a time to create astounding hairdo.

How to be sure, that your look is always going to be amazing? Just throw hairbrush to your handbag. I’m personally recommending detangling one. This way you won’t be pulling your hair. Remember, to clean it up, before putting it back to the bag. You don’t want to have mess in there. Otherwise, you can buy brush with cover.

3. Powder and other makeup

If you want to look fabulous through the whole night, you have to fix your makeup once in the while. It’s important to remember that you need to took only the most crucial cosmetics with you. Powder, when there is too much sun and your skin is starting to shine little too much. Lipstick is pretty obvious. It has tendency do wipe off and you have to correct your look once in the while.

When trying bold creation, you have to make some correction of your eyes during the night. That’s inevitable, so it’s necessary to have mascara at hand. Or to be more precise in your inseparable handbag.

4. Water bottle with filters

This is a necessity, not an option. During hot summer it’s important to keep hydrating yourself and it’s much better option both for you and the environment not to buy new plastic bag whenever you are thirsty.

That’s why we all do love water bottles with filters. You can fill it almost everywhere and can enjoy clean, cold water whenever you are. This solutions is perfect, because you are not unnecessary increasing plastic footprint on our planet. For day to day usage, I strongly recommend 0.5 litre ones. Perfect fit for all us fit.

5. Patches

I don’t know about you, but i love my flats sandals and espadrilles during the summer. Sadly, sometimes my hell is being terribly rubbed. This can happen to everyone, so i strongly recommend to have a pack of patches in your bag. It weighs nothing, but can be your lifesaver. Or maybe feet saviour? 😉

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