If you’re working with a multi-national company in Thailand that has opened a branch in Bangkok, your company should be partnering with an SEO Agency in Bangkok as one of your first start-up tasks.
Foreign SEO companies that you may have working with may lack any abilities in the Thai language. They are unable to provide Thai language SEO services that are crucial to your company’s successful integration into your new market.
Working with an SEO agency in Bangkok gives your company the abilities it needs to compete with local companies in your industry sector that may be old favourites with the customer base in which you’re trying to make inroads. The SEO agency will serve as representatives of the face of your company in Thailand and offer a number of conduits in reaching customers that are vital to your company’s success.
Different Marketing Opportunities
A Thailand-based SEO agency will also be able to offer you different marketing opportunities of which you might not have even been aware. For instance, the LINE social media and communications app is currently only extremely popular in Asia. If your company is from a western-based country, you may never have even heard of LINE.
Yet an SEO agency in Bangkok knows that LINE has recently launched an ads platform on its app. As the app is hugely popular in Thailand, this ad platform is an opportunity that can’t be ignored.
Content is King in Thailand as Well
A Thailand-based SEO company will also be able to provide your company with Thai language updates and content that will be important to your site’s ability to rank highly and provide news and information. This content will also contain Thai-language keywords that will drive traffic to your site and increase your conversion rate within the Thai marketplace.
The necessity of communicating in the local language may sound obvious to someone who knows the true value of SEO. But some companies rely on their English-language content alone to drive their rankings and fail to harness the significant power of the Thai marketplace.
An SEO agency in Bangkok will have talented and skilled Thai-language content writers who will be able to effectively reach the most desirable demographic of the Thai population for your industry and products and services. But they also have just as talented English-language content writers who can provide content for your international website that can accurately deliver your corporate message to the world.
Make your First Partnership with an SEO Agency in Bangkok
Bangkok is a cosmopolitan city whose SEO professionals are well-versed in all the facets of SEO technology. They enable your website able to reach your target audience, whether in Thailand or across the globe.
To ensure your company can attain its goals of entering the Thai marketplace, start by creating a partnership with a Bangkok-based SEO agency. They will know the ins and outs of not just SEO, but also be an invaluable digital marketing partner within the Thai marketplace.
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