How To Throw An Awesome Corporate Party

Are you in charge of throwing a corporate party? Don’t worry, it can feel a little scary at first but soon you will enjoy yourself planning something that everyone in the office can do outside of work and something that is super fun for everyone. But how exactly do you plan it? Keep reading as we explain how to throw a corporate party. 

Have a corporate giveaway

The first recommendation that we have during a corporate party is to have a giveaway. What a fun thing. You can make it into a game or do something like draw names from a hat. This will allow each person in the office to feel like an equal and allow them to get some great things in the process. You can custom make something to include multiple people or even just one large gift basket. Some recommendations we have are custom YETI coolers, a t-shirt, pens, hats, and a notebook. Each of these items can be customized by the businesses branded colors, the slogan, and even the logo. You can make them as personalized or customized as you would like. This creates a fun way to give back to hard-working employees.  

Get outside the office

The next tip we want to give to you is to do something outside of the office. It’s most likely cheaper to have it right in the break room or a room where you can simply order food and cake, but that doesn’t allow people to really be themselves. That means people are still in their work attire and their work feel and personality. Instead, try and get people outside the office to a restaurant, to an event room, or to even home to allow people to feel more like themselves and loosen up a little bit. 

Don’t make it too formal

It’s important for it not to feel like work to them. They are not there to network and it’s not mandatory to impress the boss. Although you don’t want them doing something they should not be, you also want them to have fun and enjoy themselves. In order to do this, you want it not to be too formal. Allow each person to wear whatever they want and to be themselves. By setting the place people will be meeting will allow them to also know what they should be wearing. 

Allow their families to join

If you would prefer children not to attend that is okay, but it’s a good idea to allow them to bring their spouses. This will allow them to go out of the house together and for the spouse to meet the people of the workplace. On top of that, it allows people in the workplace to meet the people in the workers’ life. This is not mandatory, but we recommend including spouses so that everyone feels included and it is not a burden to spend an evening away from the family, instead, they can bring them! 

Do a fun activity

You can incorporate a fun activity with the corporate party. You can meet at a restaurant and of course, food is always fun. You also could do something fun like going bowling, go to a casino, head to play laser tag. There are so many different fun things that could be done in order for a fun activity to take place. 

Allow people to chat

It’s important to give people to opportunity to chat amongst themselves. This will allow people to bond more which will help them to form more relationships which will ultimately assist your environment at work. It’s important to give people this opportunity. Keep this in mind when you are choosing the venue as well as the activity that people are participating in. 

Ensure the boss attends

It’s important that the boss and management attend to ensure they really get to know their workers on a more personal level. If they don’t, it also paints a picture that they don’t care and have better things to do. Although you want everyone to show up and be there with a smile on their face, this is even more important when it comes to the CEO as well as the management team. 

Keep the alcohol to a minimal

The final recommendation we have is for people not to cross the line. Alcohol can make things fun but it’s important not to have it go overboard. Make sure that you keep things like alcohol to a minimum. When you open up the alcohol, someone could end up doing something they regret which can cause a lot of gossip, more drama, and a bad taste in people’s mouths at work. Although you want to ensure everyone is having a good time and having fun, it’s important not to mix work with alcohol. 

As you can see, throwing a corporate party can be so much fun. It can allow people to get to know each other a little bit better outside of work so that they can work even better together when they are at the office. It also is a way of saying thank you to everyone that works hard every single day. Whether it is for a special occasion or not, having a couple of corporate parties each year is much. We hope that you enjoyed this list and feel comfortable with being on your way to throwing a great corporate party. 

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