Effective Treatment For Addiction May Require Multiple Approaches


Addition has no single cause, therefore the single-minded approach as a treatment for addiction may need updating.

Some studies have observed no difference between member of Alcoholics Anonymous and untreated patients, although AA appears to have helped several people. It may appears that not every treatment will work for everybody who suffers from addiction problems. The substances involved and also the background of the patient may also contribute to the success of the treatment program.

Plenty of things appear to work, some may be simpler than others:

Interventions some studies show conclusively that very brief treatment, if designed properly, can be highly successful against even moderately severe addiction. The Intervention is designed to confront a person in a non-threatening, and allow them to see how their self-destructive behavior is affecting their loved-ones. The intervention process should be executed by someone who is professionally trained in the intervention process.

Tapering off

For some individuals who may be prone to suffering withdrawal symptoms that can be even more devastating, tapering down with a gradual reduction in drug consumption may be more effective than cold turkey. In the hand of a trained therapist, this can be an effective method for coping with relapses.

Pharmacological treatment

Drug treatments with the exception of methadone and Ant abuse have been the least successful, but new research have identified the parts of the brain and the neurotransmitter system, where the addictive substance works, and are hoping to develop drugs to block the neurotransmitters.

Cocaine is shown to be responsible for release huge amounts of dopamine, by inhibiting the dopamine transporter protein. The goal is to develop drugs that can block cocaine receptors without shutting down the dopamine transport system.

These drugs would be intended to break the behavior-chemical link which keeps addicts craving the drug. It may also give the hard core crack addict a way to slowly come off his high without the withdrawal and craving symptoms.

Transformational psychology

New sources of treatment for addiction are coming from unrelated areas such religion, philosophy and even literature. A shift in thinking about the causes and cures of addition are being reflected, but it has also been observed that relatively sudden and profound changes occur occasionally. The hope is that harnessing the capability to effect these changes may have a profound effect on eliminating addiction.

Aversion therapy

Aversion therapy works by introducing negative consequences immediately after the pleasurable experience occurs.

Behavioral modification

A reward system in the form of redeemable vouchers to encourage abstinence has seen some success in help to ease some addicted to cocaine. Addiction may not have a single cause, many forms of treatment for addiction may be necessary for effective treatment.

Visit charitiesofhouston for much more information and updated research information and treatment for addiction resources.

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