The Dubbeglas – A tradition in high flight

A German tradition is crossing international boarders

If you come from the Rhineland-Palatinate, the so-called Dubbeglas is simply part of your culture. What else should you drink half your “Schoppen” from? However, most Germans have probably never heard of it, needless to mention the foreigners – even though the first Dubbeglas was already on its way in the stratosphere.

Since you probably have no Idea what I’m talking about – let’s just start all over again:

Just as every region has its own dialect, it also has its own traditions. These consist of certain customs, dishes and drinks. In Bavaria you drink wheat beer and in Cologne you drink and speak Kölsch. Depending on the drink, the vessels in which they are served changed over the generations until the ideal vessel for the respective drink was found.

The top-fermented Kölsch quickly becomes stale and is served in so-called “sticks” to counteract this. These usually contain 0.2 or 0.3 litres and are therefore quickly empty. The bavarian “Maß”, which is also known far beyond the borders of Germany, contains an entire litre of wheat beer.

The “Pfälzer Schoppen”

In Rhineland-Palatinate, beer is also drunk, but another drink is traditionally more associated with this region: the white wine spritzer.

White wine spritzer is served in the so-called Dubbeglasses. This is a glass in which indentations can be found from top to bottom. These ensure that the glass does not slip out of the hand so easily when it is moist or greasy. This makes sense as the glasses are often passed around during traditional wine festivals. The content of these glasses is called half a bottle. A bottle is in the Palatine “one litre”. So exactly half a litre of delicious white wine spritzer fits into a Dubbeglas. The first Dubbeglas even reached outer space in 2016 with the help of a balloon.

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