The Guide for Business Trend in 2018

Finding out the business trend before you start an online business is important. That way you will be able to create the right strategy, so your business will have a better chance to produce a good result. Now, if you plan this start a business this year, here are the business trend in 2018 that you can use as a reference. This information is all according to the research from Business News Daily. With these guidelines, you will know what kind of major things that happen in 2018 business world.

Technology and Cybersecurity

There are two things that you need to notice in the technology and cybersecurity industry. They are:

– IT Spending

It said that there is shifting in how a company spends their budget for their IT system. According to Prakash Nagpal, Vice President of Infoblox, many companies start to use their budget to make an investment in dedication security operation center. There will be many companies that use hybrid security system. That means they will use the on-premise security system and SaaS/Cloud solution. It will become the base of their security structure, which will integrate with the customer service as well.

– Sharing Economy

Prakash Nagpal also said that there will be an increase in sharing economy and digitization. And, this condition will become the starting point of the big change in the current business world. Some of the big company that is affected by this change is Amazon, Uber, Zipcar, and even Google. In the next two years, the effect of this concept will become even greater. Then, it will affect the financial service and healthcare industry as well.

Marketing and Advertising

For marketing and advertising department, you need to pay attention to these 5 important factors.

– Marketing Personalization

Harrison Doan, Director of Analytics at Saatva, said the marketing will change into more personalize marketing strategy. You won’t find any marketing that needs to convince the consumer to buy the product. Most companies will try to provide the best quality and personalized content for the customer.

– Personalized Marketing Tool

In the past, email marketing is used to send the promotion material and message to many customers. It’s known as the one-to-many method. However, according to Dave Charest, Director of Content Marketing at Constant Contact, the current marketing method uses the one-to-one concept. With better personalization technology, the company can target more specific customer. It uses the clicking tool type to promote the product or service.

– The Emerging of AI as Marketing Tool

Curtis Sparrer, Principal at Bospar PR explains that the time for applying the real implementation of AI has come. This year, the AI experience that scientist has been doing a few years back can be used for marketing purpose. For example, Conversica, one of the AI companies, has the ability to provide the conversational AI that can help companies to find the new client. However, the AI usage is only on the surface. The further marketing still needs a human touch. The AI will be used to save time to find the potential client.

– The Social Advertising

The advertisement through social media has been increasing this past decade. However, this year, the competition of social media advertising will become even stronger. Toby Danylchuk, Co-Founder of 39 Celsius Web Marketing, said there will be an increase in the number of the advertisers that use Facebook to promote their business. Moreover, with more people use social media as the tool to communicate with other people, the trend toward social advertising is unavoidable.

– Small Business Cross-Channel Marketing

Bil Gaines, Digital Marketing Director of Custom Creatives, reveal an interesting trend about the cross-channel marketing. This method has been used by the big company. However, this year, small business also diversifies their marketing strategy, by using many social media and method. Small business will have a specific department for Facebook, web content, and many more.

The Problem

Even though there are many good trends that can help you to start an online business, you also need to pay attention to the problem that can happen. According to Christian Vezina, CISO at VASCO Data Security, there will be an increase in the internet attack. The hack and attack will be a common thing that happens this year. Moreover, the tool to do the hack and attack is easy to find. Plus, the information to do that can be easily accessed by anyone.

However, Mike Bell, Chief Technology Officer of Laird, said that the increase of the attack also make the device manufacturer improve their security system for their product. Therefore, you won’t need to worry about the attack. As long you get the latest security update, you will be fully protected. Now, with these references, you are ready to start an online business in 2018 and 2019.

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