Writing Resumes: Things to Remember

Writing a resume can be quite challenging considering that it’s going to be reviewed by the prospective employers and the hiring managers. A resume is the only segment in a job hunting that can be controlled by you and that is the major reason why too much of effort, time and money is being spent on writing it. Updating the resume that you already have can be really difficult if you haven’t done it in a long time.

Studies have proved that it takes only ten seconds or less for an average resume to be read. The details on the resume need to be simple and concise and the maximum length of the resume should not go above two pages. The details on the resume like the company you’ve worked for and the kind of work that you did there should be easy enough to understand by anyone who goes through it. This article is an excellent source of information about resumes and you can keep in mind the following tips while writing one.

Tips for writing a resume

Have a personal list of all the jobs

Always maintain a detailed list of your previous work experiences, important projects that you have done, studies that you have conducted, and the different programmes that you have organized. Having such a list will help you include the right information in the resume that is required for your next job interview.

Include only the relevant details

Avoid writing each and every work experience, accomplishments, skills, and talents. Remember, the prospective employer is not looking for your history of careers. They are searching for a right candidate for the job opening in their company.

Include all the major achievements on the top

Your major achievements and experiences need to be included in the top portion of your resume so that it would catch the attention of your prospective employer. That will cause them to continue reading your resume.

Chronological order (reverse)

Though there are no rules as to how to write the information in the resume, writing it in the reverse chronological order is the best way to do it where the most recent experiences are mentioned first.

Not more than two pages

Keep in mind that no one has the time and patience to go through each and every detail of your experience and achievements. The information on the resume needs to be concise and if possible the resume should be written on a single page.  Another page can be included if you have relevant information worth mentioning.

Details of work experience

  • Include the details of work experience that is relevant and that is recent (last 10-15 years).
  • Keep the details simple so that it could be understood by anyone who reads it.
  • Add figures and numbers to your details of experience; like the number of people on whom you were able to create an impact on.
  • Mention how your performance was beneficial to the company.
  • It’s best to avoid words that are empty. Try to communicate your personal skills like being an excellent leader or a good team player without actually saying it.
  • You can include your voluntary jobs, part-time jobs, experiences as a freelancer or a blogger in your resume.
  • Don’t forget to use the keywords in the job description in your bullet points.

 Education and qualifications

  • Write your details of education and qualifications after mentioning your work experience.
  • Avoid writing dates of receiving the degree or diploma and write the details in the reverse chronological order.
  • Highlight all the major achievements and honors.
  • Include all the details of the education that you are still continuing and don’t forget to mention the online courses that you are doing.

Mention all the relevant skills, your interests, and awards

  • Don’t forget to mention all the skills that you have which are relevant to the position that you’ve applied for. Avoid mentioning those skills that are expected of everyone.
  • When it comes to listing out your interests or hobbies include only those that seem relevant to your job position.
  • Mention all the major awards that you’ve received.

Formatting and proof – reading

  • When it comes to formatting your resume and its design, it’s always best to keep it simple.
  • Make sure that all the contact details are highlighted.
  • Read it thoroughly to make sure that it is free of errors.

To get selected for an interview you need to submit an application along with an excellent resume. Keep these tips while writing your resume and you are sure to be selected for the interview.

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