Indoor Gardening Tech: LED Lights and Grow Tents

You’ve probably heard that growing plants bring plenty of benefits to your body and mind. Other than that, gardening is also said to provide light aerobic exercise to help you burn calories. It helps lower blood pressure and reduces stress. Thus, gardening at home offers a sense of accomplishment. Plus, you get to save money by growing vegetables and herbs that you can use for home cooking!

While gardening has a host of benefits that make it a popular and enjoyable activity, some factors inhibit people from creating their home garden. One of these factors is the lack of space and sufficient lighting, especially if you live in an apartment building with no balcony. Another factor that prevents you from growing a home garden is the weather – a common dilemma for people who live in regions that snow.

Fortunately, technology has solved this problem through LED grow lights and grow tents.

LED Grow Lights and Grow Tents: How Do They Work?

  • LED Grow Lights

Invented by Nick Holonyack in 1962, LED (light-emitting diodes) technology has been used for different applications, including horticultural grow lights.

Most plants need light to grow and survive. As an alternative to the sun, LED grow lights are used to cultivate plants indoors, as a supplemental light source. When having a home garden, it’s therefore vital to choose the best indoor plant grow lights.

  • Grow Tents

When cultivating a home garden, you need to create a suitable indoor environment for your plants. This is where grow tents come in.

A grow tent is made of materials that reflect light, retain heat, and provide adequate ventilation. Grow tents have ample space to hang a fan and LED grow lights.

If you’re serious about having an indoor garden for plants and herbs, you should find a suitable grow tent that’s right for your needs.

Choosing The Best LED Grow Lights and Grow Tents

Before purchasing the best LED grow light and grow tent, you should know what qualities to look for.

Here’s what you should consider when buying a grow tent and LED grow lights:

How to Choose A Grow Tent

  1. The Size of the Grow Tent

One of the most important factors that you must remember when choosing a grow tent for your indoor garden is the grow tent setup.

The number of plants that you want to grow shouldn’t be a primary factor when it comes to home gardening. But, it should be the available space that you have. By considering the space, you can now estimate a suitable size for your grow tent. Then, you can now decide on how many plants you want.

  1. The Plants You Want to Grow

It’s essential to consider what type of plants you want to grow before buying a grow tent. If you’re growing herbs and small plants, a smaller grow tent will suffice.

It’s best to research how tall the plants can grow so that you can select a grow tent with adjustable poles for flexibility.

  1. Where You Plan to Set Up Your Grow Tent

If you’re planning on growing your plants in a sheltered area, like a covered patio, you don’t have to worry about the type of materials used to make the grow tent.

However, if the grow tent is exposed to the elements, you must choose the most sturdy materials so that you can be sure of its durability.

How to Choose LED Grow Lights

  1. The Light Spectrum

LED grow lights have various wavelengths that are suitable for different stages of plant growth. Fortunately, you can purchase an LED grow light with adjustable spectrums. T

he wavelength that full-spectrum LED grow lights emit is similar to the sun’s wavelength. Full-spectrum LED grow lights may be beneficial when growing seedlings.

However, an adjustable LED grow light can accommodate your plants’ lighting needs as it grows.

  1. The Grow Light Coverage Capacity

The type of LED grow light that you’ll buy also depends on the size of your indoor garden. You’ll need at least 32 watts to light a square foot of garden space. However, the actual power that you need also depends on the type of plants that you’ll grow.

Examples of plants that thrive in low-light are lettuce, chives, dragon tree, snake plant, begonia, and calendula.

  1. Versatility

Indoor gardening enthusiasts don’t stop at growing plants inside grow tents. Some put their plants on their desks, on their kitchen sills, and even in the bathroom.

LED grow lights come in different shapes and sizes. You can get one that’s perfect for your office space or an LED glow light that you can hang anywhere.


Technology has paved the way for gardening enthusiasts to create and cultivate an indoor garden, no matter how small your space is and how insufficient the lighting. There’s no excuse to not plant indoors, even if you live in a small apartment unit.

By choosing the best grow tent and LED grow lights, you can maximize your resources at home and build your dream home garden in no time.

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