5 Easy Ways to Choose the Best Web Hosting Company for Beginners

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There are many things you should prepare when you want to create your own website. You must think about the theme and what you want to write in your website. You also have to make attractive designs that will pamper the visitor’s eyes.

But while you are planning all of those things, you need to find a good web hosting company to host your website first. Every single thing you do on your website, how it performs, how convenient it will be for the visitors, everything will depend on the quality of the web host. A good web host becomes even more important if you are a beginner. To help you get the best result out of your effort, here are some tips to choose the best web host for beginners.

Consider the Track Record of the Company

Just because you know very little about the world of web hosting, it doesn’t mean that you can settle with any company that bumps into you first. As a beginner, it is very understandable if you want to sacrifice the company’s reputation in sake of cheaper price. But this is actually a very bad move.

Company with bad track record might be able to give you cheaper price. But it is also not impossible that you will face many troubles. And if you are not familiar with web hosting, those troubles will really waste your time, energy, and possibly more money.

Shared Server is a Good Place to Start

Choosing dedicated server for your website is definitely the best option. The performance is guaranteed and it provides the best security. However, all those excellent qualities come with a price and it is not cheap.

So, since you are a beginner and you probably don’t need too many advanced features, it will be best if you start with shared server instead of VPS or dedicated server. When you use shared server, you will share the server with hundreds of other websites that may cause some problems in your website when other websites put too much load on the host. But considering the very affordable price and the fact that you will not run your website for heavy duty purposes, it won’t be too much of a problem.

Estimate the Traffic

How much money you should pay to rent a space in the server will depend on how much bandwidth you use and how big the storage size the web host provides to you. If you make your website only to post some writings, you will not need too much storage.

Furthermore, if you are just starting and you don’t have plenty of visitors, it is best to save your money on the bandwidth. You can always upgrade the services if you want when your website grows and you have more visitors in the future.

Customer Service is Important

Web hosting is never easy. Even professionals and big enterprises still find it challenging to maintain their website and keep up with the latest trend, let alone for beginners like yourself. In the journey, you will bound to face some difficulties, maybe because the server is down or there is something wrong with the connection speed. When it happens, you want someone you can call to ask for help.

The thing is, some web hosting company doesn’t provide 24 hours customer service, which can be really annoying when you need a sudden help. So, make sure the web hosting company of your choice provides 24 hours costumer service even though it means you need to pay more. It is better safe than sorry.

Think about Upgrading

If you are consistent and work hard, one day your site will grow big and you will have more visitors. When it happens, shared server might not be able to cater your needs anymore. You will need more bandwidth, more storage and most importantly, more security because the more popular your site is, the more security threats the site will get.

So, think about the possibility of upgrading. If your website needs to move to bigger server, find out whether the web hosting company can help you with that and whether they have any service that will make upgrading easier. It becomes more important when you run your website for business.

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