5 Companies You Didn’t Know Were Environmentally Friendly

Taking care of the environment is vital to the well-being of current and future generations. While many individuals are doing their part by recycling, using public transportation, and making their homes energy-efficient spaces, corporations are also stepping up to the plate.

While they may not always be obvious ones, plenty of companies have made changes in the way they do business to protect the planet. Discover the following five companies that are going above and beyond to put the environment first.


Panasonic is a company on a mission to protect the environment. In 2017, Panasonic put together the Panasonic Environment Vision 2050. In this statement, the company promises to develop cleaner energy forms and reduce the amount of energy required to manufacture and power its products. Panasonic’s goal is to produce more energy than it uses.

Panasonic is developing storage battery systems for electric vehicles, keeping its promise to support a shift from fossil fuels to clean energy. Further, the company plans to create factories with no carbon emissions and is switching all lighting to LED lights.


Nike has made its plans for environmental sustainability clear. In 2016, the athletic-wear giant went public with its goal of doubling productivity while halving its environmental impact. The company is making rapid progress toward this goal by focusing on reducing energy usage.

In 2012, Nike began using Flyknit technology, a shoe-stitching method that produces 60 percent less waste than traditional methods. This change reduced the company’s waste by 3.5 million pounds. Nike converts old plastic bottles for use in some of its products, and its Reuse-A-Shoe program has recycled 30 million pairs of shoes.

Nike’s efforts were rewarded in 2015 when Morgan Stanley placed the company at the top of its list of the 15 most eco-friendly clothing and footwear brands.


Amway, a company specializing in beauty, health, and home care products, displays its commitment to the environment in its focus on waste reduction and promise to increase its reliance on alternative energy sources and sustainable agriculture. By reducing its water usage, greenhouse gas emission rates, and packaging material usage, the company is making strides toward a more sustainable future.

In 2017, Amway was awarded the Safer Choice Partner of the Year award by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This distinction is given to companies that display excellence in the design, marketing, and use of Safer Choice–labeled products. Amway’s YouTube channel has more information about its dedication to environmental health and the actions it’s taking to protect the planet.


H&M is rapidly advancing toward its goal of lessening its environmental impact. About half of the cotton the company uses is grown by sustainable methods, and it’s pledged to increase that percentage to 100 percent by 2020. Ninety-six percent of the electricity used by the fast-fashion retailer comes from renewable sources.

H&M extends its sustainability efforts to its customers by providing bins in its stores to collect clothing to be resold, reused, or recycled. Since the company started the program in 2013, it’s saved almost 55,000 tons of clothing from landfills.


Adobe Systems was named the Greenest IT company of 2014 by Newsweek and placed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the first time in 2016.

Through various sustainability projects, the IT giant reduced energy consumption in its facilities by 50 percent, natural gas usage by 30 percent, and water usage by almost 80 percent since 2009. The company’s commitment to clean energy is displayed at its headquarters in San Jose, California, where 20 wind turbines capture wind energy as it swirls around the company’s three LEED-certified buildings located there.

Adobe extends its commitment to the environment to its employees. The company challenges its workers to participate in projects that promote a sustainable future and provides sponsorships for those who take them up on that challenge.


Companies play an important role in protecting the environment. Reduced energy consumption, smarter packaging design, and a commitment to using recycled materials in their products are three ways businesses are making a big environmental impact.

This commitment to sustainability helps ensure that future generations can enjoy a safe, healthy planet.

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