What you need to know to register a trademark in Europe?

Often a business goes beyond a single state. If this happens, you need to legalize your brand in another country’s territory.

Often a business goes beyond a single state. If this happens, you need to legalize your brand in another country’s territory. The easiest way is to use the online service https://bonamark.com/.

Where the registered brand is valid?

The procedure is standard for the whole European Union. The registered trademark is automatically protected for:

  • Germany.
  • Switzerland.
  • Luxembourg.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • France.
  • Monaco.
  • Great Britain.
  • Malta.

In other European countries a simple validation system is provided. It includes translation into the national language and duty’s payment.

Ways to register a trademark in the European Union

  • Through the OHIM office. The application is submitted in 1 language. But obtained in this way, a trademark’s protection covers 40 countries.
  • International registration in accordance with the Madrid Agreement. The application is filed through the WIPO office. This method is suitable for trademarks already registered in their own country. A variant is allowed when there is no certificate yet, but the application has already been filed.
  • National registration with local patent attorneys. Further the agency must conduct a validation procedure for each country separately. This method is good if trademark protection is needed in 2-3 EU countries.

Prices for brand registration in Europe

For each MKTU class a fee is provided:

  • Conduct a preliminary coincidence search is free.
  • Application’s preparation and filing cost €900.
  • Certificate fee – €900.
  • The fee for the trademark’s extension – €1350.

The patent attorneys services’ cost depends on the agency you choose.

Trademark renewal

If the trademark has not been used for 5 years at least in 1 of the requested countries, the patent is revoked. Half a year before the current certificate’s expiration, you need to apply for its renewal. If you decide to upgrade your logo, you need to register it again.

Only an officially patented brand is protected against unfair competition.



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