Brick-and-mortar retail store owners are always looking for marketing ideas when the holidays roll around. Any type of holiday sales tips that can increase sales during Christmas is a welcome bonus to retail store owners. One way of increasing sales during the holidays is to use a tactic that you should be using all year round; digital marketing.
An online marketing presence for a brick-and-mortar store can be a powerful way to increase foot traffic. There are plenty of digital marketing techniques that can be used to increase your customer base, enhance revenue and make your retail business more successful.
Text Marketing
Text marketing has become extremely popular in the digital marketing world, which is why so many brick-and-mortar stores are using this marketing technique well. It is best to find a company known for offering quality texting services for business if you want to get the best results.
A professional organization will have lists of text contacts that have already opted-in to receiving marketing messages. When you text targets have already agreed to receive marketing messages, then you significantly increase your chances of success with each texting campaign.
Online User Experience
The best way to prepare your customers for a good user experience in your stories to create a good user experience online. Your website should load as quickly as possible, offer a comprehensive amount of shopping resources and also give your customers the option to have a smooth shopping experience online instead of coming into your store.
Online shopping is starting to become more popular than going to brick-and-mortar stores, which is why having a unified and excellent user experience for both your website and your store is important. Customers are more likely to use your retail business more often if they feel that your user experience is important.
Get Started Early
It is estimated that four out of every 10 holiday shoppers start their shopping on or before Halloween. This is a huge portion of yourtarget audience, and it is a group that you want to make contact with as oftenand as early as possible.
The early start by shoppers is why many brick-and-mortar stores put theirChristmas displays out at the same time as their Halloween candy. You shouldinvest in online advertising that creates a buzz about your upcoming holidayspecials right when your target audience of shoppers is just starting to thinkabout their shopping list.
Use Your Online Presence For Remarketing
If you are not using remarketing tactics in your retail store, then you shouldstart to implement some. Remarketing is when a consumer shows interest in yourstore but then fails to make a purchase. For example, a makes an inquire atyour customer service desk about a product but does not make a purchase. Withremarketing, you would start sending that customer ads and circulars thatfeature that product.
Remarketing is not nearly as easy offline as it is online. With a goodremarketing plan in place, you can capture contact information for any consumerwho uses your website but does not make a purchase. You can send that customercoupons they can redeem in your store, and keep that customer updated on anyspecials involving the products they showed an interest in.
Develop Synergy Between Your Online And Offline Marketing
Your brick-and-mortar store can create a more powerful online marketingpresence if you develop synergy between your marketing online and offline. Forexample, you can announce a special promotion only on your website and givecustomers a coupon they can print out to get a discount in the store. Thistactic is very common among brick-and-mortar retailers, and it is also extremelyeffective.
Another way to develop synergy between online and offline marketing is to keepthem consistent throughout the holiday shopping season. When you put apromotion in your print advertising, be sure to reference that promotion onyour digital newsletters and email marketing.
Broadcast Specials Regularly
Have you ever gone to a restaurant and noticed that you are getting digital adsfrom the department store across the street? One of the more powerful Christmaspromotion ideas for retail is to broadcast your holiday pricing specials sothat they are picked up by any consumer who comes within a certain distance ofyour store. You can broadcast special prices, coupons and even announcementsregarding holiday sales you have coming up.
If your brick-and-mortar store is not utilizing digital marketing for itsholiday promotions, then you are missing out on a lot of revenue. By hiring adigital marketing agency, you can take advantage of the many tools that areavailable for reaching your target audience and inspiring them to go to yourbrick-and-mortar location.
How to Boost Retail Sales with Digital Marketing this Holiday Season

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