7 Small Business Ideas for People with Good Writing Skills

Written communication is a key to many doors in the career world. If you are the one with the words, many companies would like to have you working for them. But what if you do not feel like working for someone, and would happily start your own company?

If so, then there are many different things you can do for a living as long as you are not afraid of all the risks such a decision might bring. Make sure to take everything into account before saying yes to this decision, study the market to see open spots for your venture, and choose your niche.

And once you are 100% sure you are ready to dive into this, check out our list of possible jobs you can take.

7 jobs for those good in writing

  1. Resume writing.
    This job will never lose its popularity, as people will always be looking for jobs. All you need for to enter this niche is figuring out how a winning resume should look like.
    And here are a few facts you need to bear in mind when considering this option.
    Business to Community statethat on average a recruiter spends 5 to 7 seconds reading a candidate’s resume. Many different companies use special robots to get rid of 75% of all the applications leaving a chance to only the best ones.
    So, before you get into this business, you need to make sure that you know all the details and important things about the correct resume writing. Otherwise, you won’t build up a strong reputation, as people will only come back if the resume you wrote for them worked.
  2. Ghostwriting.
    The demand for good writers able to produce persuasive articles is growing day by day. That is why the niche of ghostwriting has still room for you.
    You need to figure out what exactly you want to write about and stick to that as a plan when offering your services to different sites and companies. Try to be a specialist writer, and do not try to cover it all.
    Thus, if you know how to write a case study, or how to collect celebrity news, or you are a pro in History, you should offer your help to the sites specialized in these areas.
  3. Blogging.
    Another great idea of how to make money by writing. It might take the time to build the audience and gain credibility, but in the end, it totally pays off!
    However, be ready that it is not as simple as it looks. It is not about writing with your pyjamas on and a cup of coffee in a hand. Blogging requires discipline and good time-planning skills. So, be ready to dedicate lots of your time to this venture before you start making money on product reviews, ads banners on your site or through the affiliate market.
  4. Advertising campaign writer.
    Every business needs advertising. Otherwise, no one will ever learn about them.
    So, if you decide to help companies promote their services by composing various ads for them, you will be in high demand!
    In fact, according to the Blue Corona, around 48% of all small businesses see creating strong brand awareness as one of their priorities. And as an ad campaign writer you can meet their needs with your talent and experience.
  5. Content writer. 
    Did you know that,according to the Blue Corona, “between 70-80% of people research a company online BEFORE visiting the small business or making a purchase with them.” Thus, it is important to create a decent site so that when users land on it, they will be able to find answers to their questions and see how trustworthy the brand is.
    As a content writer, you will be the one ensuring that they can find all this on the website.
  6. Proofreading services.
    Proper grammar, enhanced vocabulary and correct facts in the texts are essential to people of all professions. However, not everyone can brag about having them all. So, if you are very patient and good with grammar, then entering this niche can be the right choice for you.
    You can start with offering your services to some companies at a reduced price only to get their testimonials and start the networking. Later, your reputation will work for you!
  7. Speech writer. 
    We all know those great speeches that motivated people to act, prevented conflicts, encouraged and gave hope. It is a responsibility of most public personas to speak to the general public from time to time. But they might not have the skills to build a strong speech, and that is when you come on stage!

Starting your own business can be one of the greatest decisions you have ever made. It might come with difficulties and risks, but your talent and determination can really do wonders.  See which one of the offered above things you can do for a living – and start trying.

And if you are an expert in this area and know some other niches a person good with writing can enter, please share your ideas with us in the comments!


Author’s Bio:

Kevin is a professional educator and a private tutor with over 8 years of experience. He is also a content writer for various blogs about higher education, entertainment, social media & blogging.  During his off time, Kevin enjoys traveling and cooking. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin & Google+.

About the Author


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